Saturday, December 6, 2008

Taking Care of Myself

I am happy to find that I am doing many things that seem to be working. Talking on a regular basis to someone who is not vested in my life, who is always emotionally available, and who knows the right questions to ask. Seeing a massage therapist regularly, releasing the tension from my body. Willfully increasing my gratitude. Keeping an open line of conversation with my higher power. Keeping work in check, but up to date.
I am rejoicing the completion of my first quarter of the RN to BSN program, and eagerly awaiting my up-coming cruise to Mexico. Imagine, a week of getting up when the notion suits me, eating what I wish, and dancing every night if it suits me! I can hardly wait...
Most assuredly, the fog continues to lift, and the bright shiny jewels of life are revealed to me once more...

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